Gabriel Portillo is an Art of Austin artist!
Gabriel Portillo
AoA – How long have you been in Austin and how did you get into art?
Gabriel – I have been in Austin for four years now. I had been wanting to move to Austin for a while, and I had a short stent in Pflugerville as a child. So in 2016 I made the move.
AoA – When did you realize that you were an artist?
Gabriel – So cliche to say, but I have been creating artwork since the first grade. Then in high school. I made it to state in art and sort of realized. “Hey maybe there is something here.”
AoA – Can you speak to your art training?
Gabriel – I took art lessons as a child. Three years of high school art. Shoutout Ms.Becker! A semester in a college printmaking class, and a semester in a photography class. Other than that all of my painting techniques are self taught. Spray paint was self taught. I learned so much from some Austin artist’s by just watching how they held a can and would ask them for some tips.
AoA – Where do you find inspiration?
Gabriel – I find inspiration in so many different things. It’s tough to narrow it down. People, music, and my surroundings have a big role. Also, other artists in Austin and around the world. The city is filled with amazing artists and it’s hard not to be inspired by all the great work this city produces.
AoA – What are your preferred medium(s)?
Gabriel – As of lately it is definitely oil paint. When working on murals I prefer spray paint. I have been wanting to incorporate different mediums into my paintings so we’ll see what happens. I really love just messing around with all types of mediums. It keeps my mind loose.
AoA – Can you talk a little about your creative processes?
Gabriel – The process varies. If I’m getting ready for a show I will figure out a theme or an idea I want to create a body of work around. Then go from there. If it’s a piece I’m doing just to do. Then it’s really whatever comes to my head. Murals are based on what the client desires. Everything starts with the idea. It goes to a quick sketch. Then to a digital mock to figure out color and layout. Then finally, it will get painted onto whatever it is I’m painting on. All my canvas as of March and forward are hand stretched, primed, sanded, and gesso’d. Then finally multiple layers of paint.
AoA – Do you have any feelings towards Digital Art versus traditional mediums?
Gabriel – I dig digital art. I use digital art to create most of my paintings. Sometimes, some of the ideas happen by accident while creating a mock digitally.
AoA – Where did the moniker Paste originate?
Gabriel – It originated in 2016 right before I moved to Austin. I wanted to create a new name for myself. I guess it was the idea of moving to a new city that made me want to do this. So while laying in bed I came up with Paste. Over the years it has formed a meaning for itself. Paste is so much more than myself now. It is all my family, friends, teachers, clients, supporters, experiences, and happenings in my life rolled up into one.
AoA – Who are some artists that you look to?
Gabriel – The local talent here is crazy! Skele, Erk, Brittany Johnson, Mez, ER, Bryan, Matt Tru. Just to name a few because there seriously are so many great artists that inspire me on the regular.
Outside of Austin: Chuck Close MadSteez, Drew Merrit, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Tristan Eaton, Mark Maggior, Wassily Kandinskyi to name a few. The list could go on for days.
AoA – If you could own 1 piece from a living artist, who would it be?
Gabriel – Tristan Eaton or Mark Maggior
AoA – Big question. What do you feel the role of art is in the world?
Gabriel – I feel like the role of art is to bring emotion and feeling to the existence of human beings.
AoA – Well said sir. What else do you enjoy besides making art?
Gabriel – I love to cook and enjoy the outdoors. I love kicking it with the homies and tossing back brews. I’m learning the guitar, and it’s super relaxing.
AoA – We almost hate to ask because that’s all we hear about these days, but how have you had to adapt as an artist to the current Covid-19 pandemic? Where can we currently find your work?
Gabriel – It has been tough to stay focused and create work, but I just try to keep the same studio practice. I’m aware of what’s going on in the world. Sometimes I use it in my work, and sometimes I don’t. I currently have a show hanging at Commerce Gallery in Lockhart, Texas. The show will be up till the end of this month. Other than that most of my work is on my Instagram.
AoA – Any final advice for all the artists reading out there?
Gabriel – Stay true to yourself, your craft, and to the people who have helped you along the way. If you do that. I believe everything will fall into place.

Connect with Gabriel!