Drib is an Art of Austin artist! Read his interview to get to know more about the street artist who is behind the bird we’ve all seen up around town somewhere!
AoA – How long have you been an Austin based artist and how did you find your way here?
I would say it’s been about 6 years now I’ve been painting. Time and circumstance left me in a place where I had plenty of time for me but nothing to do with that time. Art and drawing was something I’ve done many many years ago. But never stuck with it. Wanting to do something new and would bring me out of my comfort zone. Spray painting and graffiti became that thing I needed. Going through depression and such the painting became the outlet I needed for any emotion I was feeling.
AoA – When did you realize that you were an artist?
Drib – I’m not sure. I guess I would say when I was offered my first commission and painting inside someone’s home.
AoA – Can you speak to your art training?
Drib – Practice practice practice is what I’d say for training. Painting with other artists. Listening to their process of how they do things. Watching how they do certain techniques. Asking for help. Just trying new things and seeing what works what doesn’t.
AoA – Where do you find inspiration?
Drib – Anything and everything. Movies tv shows music other artists super hero’s things like this. A lot of my quotes are from music or movies. Simple one linear that I can relate with, and apparently many others as well. Or i tend to write quotes of things personally I’m dealing with. Sadness, happiness – just any feelings or problems I may be encountering that others could be feeling too. Character bird designs are from usually movies or tv shows.
AoA – What is your work concerned with?
Drib – Mainly just doing what you love and always pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
AoA – What are your preferred medium(s)?
Drib – Spray paint would be the main medium I use. How ever I do also enjoy some acrylic paint and brush.
AoA – Can you talk a little about your creative processes?
Drib – Really I just go with what ever feels right. I don’t ever draw out what I’m gonna do before hand. Usually just a go with the flow.
AoA – Do you have any feelings towards Digital Art versus traditional mediums?
Drib – Digital is certainly a lot of fun and simpler. Gives you an immediate response for colors, mistakes, and easy changes or fixes. But it can’t ever replace the joy of mixing paint to find the right colors or using a paint brush. Something about painting with a brush is extremely therapeutic and relaxing.
AoA – Who are some artists that you look to?
Drib – Just about every single artist I’ve met in Austin. Each one brings something different to the table in forms of art or style. Muralist, writers, they’ve all provided some type of help with my art.
AoA – Big question. What do you feel the role of art is in the world?
Drib – It’s like a quote I’ve seen before “the earth without art is just eh” art brings people together. It brings emotion to the world and allows people to express themselves. Gives people the ability to say “I am here” and stand out individually on this earth.
AoA – What else do you enjoy besides making art?
Drib – I’ve gotten back into bike riding. Mountain bike was the main focus but some special people I know have got me riding bmx a lot more. Wheelies aren’t great but getting there!
AoA – Where can we find your work? Do you have any shows planned for the future?
Drib – Shows and events I’ve been slowly working my way into. However thankfully you can find my work all over the streets of Austin. Tags, full painted birds, stickers. They’re all out there in the city just gotta keep your eyes on look out!
AoA – Any final advice for all the artists reading out there?
Drib – Never give up! Such an important thing to always remember. I’ve even got it tattooed on me. It’s easy to just stop when something is getting tough or you just can’t seem to get it right.

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