Kara Mosher is an Art of Austin artist! Get to know her a little and be sure to check out her debut album, Dosage.
Photograhy by Linda Beecroft
Kara Mosher

AoA: When did you realize that you were a creative being?
Kara: I first realized I was a creative being when I was asked as a child to name a word which described myself and creative superfluously came out. I felt an exciting attachment to the word, as it incorporated my favorite element of life thus far: my imagination.
AoA: Where do you derive inspiration from?
Kara: I derive inspiration from my experiences in life. From places I’ve traveled, smells and tastes I’ve taken in, to moments of deep emotion and feelings I wasn’t able to digest without transforming them.
This album in particular drew inspiration from an event that happened in my life. About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar, which, as you may know, is a very emotional and roller coasteresque disease. The album title Dosage is all about the 4 years it took to get my dosage correct, and to start feeling level again. I really want to draw awareness to this disease and to show others going through the same thing they are not alone.
AoA: Can you describe a little bit of your creative workflow or how you come to a finalized vision for your music?
Kara: There are two ways songs are created for me. The first is a gift from what I call the universe, or the all encompassing of life, suddenly like a spark of lightning a melody comes to me. Then the words flow into my mind from what feels like an invisible channel drawing from the pool of creation. I don’t choose these words, they come to me. These songs are usually created in minutes and are some of my favorites (Dosage, DMT and Golden Path).
The other way songs come to me may be a long, drawn out process sometimes taking years to complete. In these cases I more write the music. First I find the musical key for the song, then a memorable melody and chorus. The last thing I typically write are the lyrics. The sound of the music always comes first for me.
AoA: This is your first album – can you describe a little bit of the learning process that you experienced in creating and self releasing it?
Kara: I’ll start by saying the second album will be so much easier! But, my good friend and musician Tyler August told me that it takes your whole life to write your first album, so nothing can really beat what comes out of that.
I started playing piano when I was 6 so it’s second nature to me to write music at the piano. As for singing, I started teaching myself a couple years ago. Teaching myself really just means doing it, over and over, til eventually I found my voice.
When it came time to record I knew it was really important to work with someone experienced and professional (since I was so new), so I went to Michigan to work with family friend, Andy Reed (Reed Recording Co, bassist of The Verve Pipe and The Legal Matters). Andy lead me every step of the way with recording. He also mixed and mastered the album. I couldn’t have created such an amazing album without him.
Since I am truly a one woman show, in the regards of promotion, press, releasing, etc., I have been very busy! I built my website and created all my promotional materials. My Dad reminds me weekly to enjoy this part of the process, truly life is about enjoyment.
AoA: Where can we can find your album and do you have any live performances coming up?
Kara: Dosage is everywhere! iTunes, CdBaby, Spotify, Tidal, YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Google Music, Pandora, Last FM – places I didn’t even know offered music streaming! It’s a musical miracle.
I am in the process of booking shows in Austin this winter and spring. Since I recorded with studio musicians (Andy Reed and Donny Brown both of The Verve Pipe), I have been putting together a live band here in Austin. I have an amazing drummer here in Austin, Forrest Ashby (Foxi Moxi), though we still need a bass and guitar player. (contact me)
AoA: Thank you for talking with us today, Kara. We look forward to seeing you out live soon!
Hope you love the music as much as I do!