Blair Gallacher is an Art of Austin artist! Check out her work!
As an artist, I’m interested in conveying the relationship between sensorial data and its visual interpretation. I like to refer to my paintings as “triggers” that activate abstract subjects within one’s psyche. They could represent a distant memory, a place that you’ve been, a person that you know, the way something tastes; they can take on various subjects due to each viewer’s unique perspective. They can be immediately familiar and simultaneously limitless. In short, the essential purpose of my work is to describe unconscious cognitive processes, as well as explore the distance between ambiguity and familiarity. My latest work has been focused specifically on visually interpreting music. All of my work is inspired in part by my own experience with synesthesia.
“A really good picture looks as if it’s happened at once. It’s an immediate image.” -Helen Frankenthaler
Blair Gallacher was born in Milwaukee, WI and currently resides in Austin, TX.

→ Spotify Playlist
The titles of my paintings reflect songs they were painted after, this is the corresponding playlist.
→ Website:
→ Facebook: Blair Gallacher Art
→ Email:
Other completed works are available in addition to what is featured on this site. Please contact for commissions or any further inquiries.