Eric Fraire is an Art of Austin artist! Get to know more about him and his work.
Eric Fraire
Eric Fraire is an Austin based musician, oil painter and DJ.

AoA – When did you realize that you were an artist?
Eric – Curious how you define “artist”? Haha It’s a broad term! Living for making art and making art for a living are 2 different things: All creatives start in that former stage and due to the demands of our individual survival in a capitalist reality, we are coerced into the latter (sometimes “compromised”) stage.
AoA – I would personally describe an artist simply as a creative individual that produces some type of mindful change in their surroundings, either with the use of materials or conceptually.
Eric – In that sense, I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t a creative. Since about 2nd grade I wanted to be an oil painter – inspired by my older brother, Slayer album art and Boris Vallejo. However, at 16 years old is when I decided what I wanted to do with my life: After listening to Prodigy’s “Music for the Jilted Generation”, I knew I wanted to create music and perform it as an international DJ. And paint on the side. Haha It was a very deliberate choice of vocation.
AoA – Are you a full time artist that makes it in that capitalist reality or is there other work/gigs you rely on?
Eric – I’ve always tried to hold some form of steady income; it’s hard to concentrate on art when you’re starving or worried about how you’re going to keep the lights on. Music equipment is fucking expensive.
Besides, not relying solely on my art for income gives me the luxury to create whatever I want – I like to create for me, not what’s going to sale. Eventually, I’ll get to a point where I can make make a living solely creating stuff that appeases me; that doesn’t compromise my soul or taste.
AoA – Are you a self trained artist or did you study somewhere?
Eric – Self-taught. I took some very basic drawing courses in college before I dropped out.
AoA – Where do you derive inspiration/motivation/creativity from?
Eric – Other people’s work. Music, film and literature. Life. Dreams. Death. Trees. Mostly inner ruminations… the creative impulse is a motherfucker.
AoA – What is your work about?
Eric – Me. Then the enjoyer. Then Us.
AoA – Can you talk a little about your creative processes in creating your work?
Eric –
10:00AM – Wake, Piss, Warm up Keurig, Drink Water/Lemon Water (Take Probiotic Pill & Peppermint Gel Capsule), Nasal Rinse, Prepare Coffee
10:15AM – Bathroom (Check/Manage Task List while sitting on toilet)
10:30AM – Cleanout Catbox, Sip Coffee, Meditate 20 min.
10:45AM – …cont.
11:00AM – Core/Ab Exercise
11:15AM – Wash Dishes, Put Away Dishes
11:30AM – Stretches, Shower
11:45AM – Misc. Chores, Grab Coffee, Head upstairs to my desk,
12:00PM – Work on Music (Paint if there’s a commissioned piece)
12:45PM – Pets look cute, Play w/ the pets
2:00PM – …cont.
4:00PM – Look at the clock, realize pets have won (again), Hate myself, Forgive Myself,
4:30PM – Close-up shop
5:00PM – Hangout with family/friends,
Haha That’s basically just copied/pasted from my actual daily-schedule spreadsheet.
In other words, there’s nothing glamorous in the creative process. Just showing up at the piano/easel everyday and grinding. If there is any magic it happens during the grind. Motivation and waiting for inspiration is bullshit. You just gotta put in the time.
I can’t concentrate with a messy/dirty home or chores nagging me in the back of my mind, so I made a morning routine that includes daily chores to make it a “habit”, where I don’t have to think about it and expend any will-power.
AoA – Can you tell us more about your music? It seems that it is a big part of your creative output? Where can we find some of your music?
Eric – The music’s coming. I wanted to take this year to focus more on that. I’m way more excited about the music than the paintings. But for now, I got a DJ set already up on my site with more to come.
AoA – Where can we find your work? Do you have any shows/events planned for the future that we can come out to?
Eric – Like I mentioned, this year is mostly about music creation and painting commissions, so I don’t have any showings lined up currently but my social media is the first place I announce these things. You can find my latest work on my website; especially on my Instagram.
AoA – Thanks for speaking with us today, Eric.
Connect with Eric Fraire!