Suning Chen is an Art of Austin artist!

Suning Chen
AoA – How long have you been in Austin and how did you find your way here?
Suning – I have been in Austin for 6 years. Before that I was in Taiwan, and after I moved to Austin I have more time to focusing on art. Then I start creating digital art.
AoA – When did you realize that you were an artist?
Suning – As far back as I can remember I’ve always been driven to create.
AoA – Can you speak to your art training?
Suning – Trial and error.
AoA – Where do you derive inspiration from?
Suning – I draw my inspiration from stories that I make up in my head. I’ve never written any of them down but there is a story happening behind the paintings. I hope one day I’ll put it all together in something easily digestible.
AoA – Can you talk a little about your creative processes?
Suning – I come from an illustration background so everything usually starts as a pencil sketch. These days it’s more than likely an iPad sketch. I just doodle a lot and let the drawing kind of flow into whatever it wants to be. Then I try and refine it myself a bit.
AoA – Big question. What do you feel the role of art is in the world?
Suning – Art has many roles. It can both express and evoke emotions, it can be used as a political statement, it can be used for documentation or storytelling. It gives us each a glimpse into the mind of another. I like that.
AoA – Who are some artists that you look to?
Suning – There’s too many! But I hope I could be as good as Jung gi Kim one day.
AoA – If you could own 1 piece from a living artist, who would it be?
Suning – Craig Mullins.
AoA – What else do you enjoy besides making art?
Suning – I love film and video games.
AoA – Where can we find your work? Do you have any shows planned for the future?
Suning – You can find my art on my Instagram @rigel_artclub.
AoA – Any final advice for all the artists reading out there?

Connect with Suning!